President of the DU Computer Science Club
University of Denver
We legitimize the DUCS club into a accredited
ACM chapter and a departmental wide initiative to
create a better computer science community that
fosters inclusiveness, like minded & hard working
individuals, innovation, support, and fun.
CEO and Co-founder of Herban Woman LLC
Subscription box that empowers women to take control of their breast health by providing them with the tools,
resources, and education to perfom monthly self breast exams in order to encourage early detection breast cancer.
Co-Founder, Norma Inc,
App and IOT device to help women track and record breast changes and abnormalities, while sharing this data with their doctor.
Application Developer - Intern
Zayo Group
Developed and improved various applications meant to better telecommunication as a service and
make more user friendly. Worked with Salesforce, and specifically the new Lightening Experience and integrating
previous apps from Salesforce Classic to Salesforce Lightening.
Software Developer - Intern
Listen M.D.
Learned Ruby on Rails, React Native, and Javascript to
to create a login portal, calendar, dashboard and other various UI components. As well as
getting experience in the MVC and working with the model and controller specifically to store
data properly and ensure the correct lookups.
Girls Who Code - Instructor
Denver Public School District
Taught the basics of programming and web development to Latina middle schoolers at Denver Public Schools.
Had the wonderful opportunity of inspiring young women in the importance of computer science and
the vast opportunities it has to offer, especially for women. Worked with Scratch and other various
beginner friendly logic teaching devices such as OzoBots and the MakeyMakey circut board.
Technical consultant - Intern
Paytronix Systems
In charge of creating better process for
migrating over incoming clients data, by writing
java programs to validate entry data.
JUNE 2016 - SEPTEMBER 2016
Evolve Code - CEO
Pioneering a movement to galvanize non
computer science majors to learn the fundamentals
and importance of computer programming by providing
a variety of low cost, all immersive, fun, real world
focused coding bootcamps